EuroHPC JU: Benno Broer and Bruno Taketani nominated representatives at RIAG

Since December 2021, QuIC is a private member of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking. The Research and Innovation Advisory Group (RIAG) is one of two Advisory Groups of the EuroHPC Industrial and Scientific Advisory Board and it is composed of 12 members, half of them appointed by the Private Members, ETP4HPC, BDVA/DAIRO and QuIC. This Advisory Group draws up and regularly update the draft multiannual strategic research and innovation agenda. The new RIAG members and observers were approved by EuroHPC Governing Board mid-March.

We are happy to announce that QuIC representatives are Benno Broer (Pasqal) as RIAG member and Bruno Taketani (IQM) as observer. We are confident that they will bring the quantum industry perspectives successfully.

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