QuIC @ Privacy Symposium

We want to invite you all to attend the “Privacy Symposium”, which will take place from April 5th to April 7th in Venice (Italy). The Privacy Symposium aims at promoting international dialogue, cooperation, and knowledge sharing on data protection regulations, compliance, and emerging technologies.

This year, there is a track entirely dedicated to quantum called “Quantum Computing & Security: Threat or Opportunities?”.

Track description:

“By exploiting the properties of quantum physics, quantum computing represents a fundamental paradigm shift. Recent advancements in this field are staggering and pose new challenges – some are predicting a dramatic threat to encrypted data and communication, bringing to a “quantum apocalypse”.

Actually, teleportation of information via entanglement could offer the highest security within a quantum information network. And in the short term, two alternatives could provide security: Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), based on the hardness of the mathematical constructions, and Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), based on quantum physics.

In this track, we will explain what quantum technologies are bringing and how they impact security how to build the next generation of secure communications and quantum internet how to protect classical data and communications (quantum-safe) give you an overview of market trends, ecosystem, challenges and vision.

The sessions of this track will be chaired by Laure le Bars (President of QuIC) and moderated by Tanya Suarez, and will see the direct involvement of QuIC members ThinkQuantum, Quside and Thales. You can check the programme here and register on this page.

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