QuIC Unveils Its Strategic Industry Roadmap (SIR) 2024

The European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC), Europe’s premier Association for the Quantum Industry, is thrilled to unveil its latest version of the Strategic Industry Roadmap (SIR). The document contains the collective view of QuIC members in the four main different quantum verticals — computing and simulation, communication, sensing and metrology, and enabling technologies — as well as several cross-cutting subjects.
This release underscores our steadfast commitment to transparency, accountability, and leadership, cementing our position as a driving force in the European quantum landscape.

The SIR serves as a pivotal instrument in shaping critical public policies that are paramount to the progress of the European quantum industry ecosystem and society at large. With meticulous research, analysis, and expertise, it offers invaluable insights and recommendations designed to inform decision-makers and stakeholders. For instance, the 2023 version of the SIR was used as a reference in the preparation of the EU Quantum Flagship Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) published on 14 February 2024, aiming to position the European Union as “the world’s first quantum valley”. This year’s version of the SIR will again help shape future programmes across the continent.

QuIC extends its deepest appreciation to our valued Members whose unwavering dedication and expertise have culminated in the creation of the SIR. Their collaborative efforts have been instrumental in producing a document of unparalleled value and significance. Together, we are a strong and impactful community.

As we share the SIR with the public, we invite stakeholders, policymakers, and the broader community to engage with its contents. If you wish to get involved in the process of shaping decision-making by contributing to future updates of the SIR, have exclusive access to the whole version of the document (which contains additional valuable information on supply chain and critical components) and have your voice heard at an European level, join QuIC today! Together, let’s drive meaningful change and innovation in the quantum sector.

To start the download of the file, click the link here below!

QuIC Strategic Industry Roadmap PUBLIC version –  2024


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